Dictionary of Management, 2/Ed.
Author : N.C. JAIN
ISBN: 9788174732477
Year: 2015
Publisher :
र 295.00


Dictionary of Management has been compiled to meet the needs of students of Management at all levels. It has been difficult to decide the limits of Management as a subject. The terms and definitions have been frequently presented in brief of functional phrases, thus avoiding the more comprehensive type or treatment appropriate to larger reference works. An attempt has also been made to write the entries in a clear and lucid style to provide both straight forward definitions and invaluable background informations, clear and easy illustrations have been included wherever the meaning of word can be best understood. The dictionary will be of immense value to students of Management and others studying or working in the related fields. This dictionary could be considered as a commendable achievement by any standards. A dictionary is hardly an original work but rather a collection from the works of other writers. The author has freely consulted other standard books and material available in different libraries, so the author claims no originality of work. Though, the author has taken special care to cover all important and basic terms, yet he is fully aware about his limitations. The selection of the terms is a problem in such a project and it has been the aim of the author to strike a good balance.

•  First ever dictionary by well known Indian Authors.

•  Latest words covering every branch of management.

•  Easy to understand the explanation of each and every term.

•  Compiled to meet the requirements of managerial students and professionals.

•  The book is an easy to use as work of reference.

•  The book offers a comprehensive, readable and insightful introduction to the subject management. 

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