Sociology: An Introduction to Sociology, 2/Ed.

Sociology: An Introduction to Sociology, 2/Ed.
ISBN: 9789374734964
Year: 2022
Pages: 840
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 495.00


Sociology is the scientific study of human social be-haviour and the aim of this book to teach the simpler principles of sociology concretely and inductively. The elementary principles of sociology are stated and illus-trated, chiefly through the study of the origin, develop-ment, structure, and functions of the family considered as a typical human institution; certain special problems are considered in the light of these general principles. To make the book more useful, efficient, and effective; the meaning, features and approaches and other aspects of all the topics have been explain fully. The overall presentation of each chapter in more accessible, informative and comprehensive lucid. It is a unique book discussing principles, objectives and approaches of “Sociology”.

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