Dictionary of Botany, 3/Ed.

Dictionary of Botany, 3/Ed.
Author : ARORA
ISBN: 9788174733412
Year: 2016
Publisher :
र 195.00


Dictionary of Botany has been compiled to meet the needs of students of Botany at all levels. An attempt has also been made to write the entries in a clear and lucid style to provide both straight forward definitions and invaluable background information. Clear and easy illustrations have been included wherever the meaning of a word can be best understood. Though the editor has taken special care to cover all important and basic terms, yet he is are fully aware about his limitations. The selection of the terms is a problem in such a project and it has been the aim of the editor to strike a good balance. The dictionary will be of immense value for students of Botany and others studying or working in the related fields. This dictionary could be considered as a commendable achievement by any standards.

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