Health Economics for Nurses, 2/Ed.

Health Economics for Nurses, 2/Ed.
Author : N.K. ANAND
ISBN: 9788174733702
Year: 2023
Pages: 240
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 249.00


Health economics is the application of the principles and tools of economics to health services. The goods and services with which health economics is concerned include medical, surgical and cold chain equipment, drugs, vaccines, diagnostic and therapeutic services, environmental sanitation, family planning, reproductive and child health, and school health This book is completely based on the old proverb saying that “Health is wealth”. The Indian Nursing Council has recognised the importance of personal hygiene to the nurse, it has included it as an integral part of the syllabus recommended for schools of nursing in India. This book has been especially prepared to cover this syllabus. Besides the student nurse who is preparing for the basic course in nursing, others who will find the book helpful are health visitors, sister tutors and sister administrators.

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