Community Health Nursing for B.S.c Nursing Students

Community Health Nursing for B.S.c Nursing Students
ISBN: 9789374735206
Edition: 1st revised edition
Year: 2023
Pages: 600
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 695.00


This is a comprehensive textbook on Community Health Nursing for B.Sc Nursing Students. It deals exhaustively with a diversity of topics ranging from family, community and demography, through environmental health, mental health, occupational health, adolescent medicine, and geriatric care to statistics, research methodology, pedagogical techniques, health administration, national and international health programmes. Besides nurses, the information in this book will be immensely useful to medical undergraduate and postgraduate students, teaching faculty of medical, nursing institutions, local, state and national health administrators, health planners and individuals and institutions engaged in medical research. The book is packed with authentic information that is ingeniously illustrated and presented in such an artistic way as to make its reading a pleasurable experience.

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