Essentials of Pharmacology for Nurses, 3/Ed.

Essentials of Pharmacology for Nurses, 3/Ed.
Author : PANWAR
ISBN: 9789374735831
Edition: Third Edition
Year: 2023
Pages: 224
Publisher :
र 395.00


Nurses play very important role in the use of drugs. It is they who are responsible for administration of drug, observation of patient’s acceptance and untoward reaction of the drug so it is essential for them to know the Mechanism of Actions, Indications, Contraindication/Precaution, Adverse Effects and Interactions of drug dispensed and Nursing Responsibilities. This book is prepared keeping in the view the nurses requirement of pharmacological knowledge.

Salient Features of the Book:

•  Strictly written according to INC Syllabus.

•  Simple and lucid presentation of each systemic drug.

•  Easy and common language.

•  Includes nursing responsibility at the end of every drug.

•  Each drug presentation likely as mechanism of action, drug example and dose, indications or uses, contraindications, precautions, side effects, interaction and responsibility so it make this book understandable and easy to learn.

•  Mneumonics are also included for easy to remember and unforgotable knowledge.

•  Includes Drugs of Choice, Approved and Proprietary Names of Drugs.

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