Practical/Cumulative Health Record for General Nursing and Midwifery Course (AS PER INC SYLLABUS)

Practical/Cumulative Health Record for General Nursing and Midwifery Course (AS PER INC SYLLABUS)
ISBN: 9788196344313
Edition: 1st Edition
Year: 2023
Pages: 64
Size: 8.5 × 11
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 195.00
र 195.00


This practical/cumulative health record book broadly based on Indian Nursing Council GNM course and is designed to help nursing students developing their skill comprehensive enough for patient care.

A keen attempt has been made to make the book useful for students and to meet the practical requirement of students. It has been experienced that student left some points while writing their practical requirement and lack in their confidence to face viva-voce and practical oral. Therefore, this book has been written in such a way that it may equip the students with basic knowledge to face the practical oral and viva-voce. It is hoped that this book will be useful for all the students to fulfil and completion of their practical requirements.


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