Textbook of Nursing Assistant and Patient Care

Textbook of Nursing Assistant and Patient Care
ISBN: 9788196344337
Edition: 1st Edition
Year: 2023
Pages: 264
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 299.00
र 299.00


The nursing profession is dedicated to compassion and care. Using the most recent information and advances in the medical field, nurses are responsible to their patients for giving the greatest quality treatment. Because of how quickly things change, what is considered best practice today might not be tomorrow. In the present situation, it is essential to update knowledge by gaining new scientific facts. The curriculum in nursing provides the framework of teaching in the subject of Patient care excellence.

The book has been designed as an introductory text book for students of Diploma in Clinical Medical practice as per the curriculum to have a depth knowledge of basic nursing and the care that needs to be provided to the patient.  The outline of the chapters has been done keeping in mind the learning objectives. The major topics to be covered include the following: the communication process, administration of drugs, biomedical waste management, shifting and transporting the patient, providing nourishment to patient, monitoring of the patient and providing the essential first care to the patient. The content has been organized in seven units.

Salient Features of the Book are:

  • The textbook is a collection of information about the basic fundamentals of nursing written in simple language.
  • The book is simple to understand and aids students in learning and understanding concepts quickly.
  • The book is useful for teaching pupils step-by-step procedures, and the included pictures make understanding simple.
  • Include Scientific and rationales for every nursing action included in procedures.
  • All Information is included in the book related to the basic care and nursing interventions.

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