Textbook of Medicinal Chemistry-II

Textbook of Medicinal Chemistry-II
ISBN: 978-81-971017-2-4
Edition: 1st Edition
Year: 2024
Pages: 432
Size: 7.25 × 9.5 (Inches)
Publisher : AITBS Publishers, INDIA
र 495.00
र 495.00


This book is the outcome of our desire to discover the best medicinal chemistry book, which provides concise descriptions of the disease, accurate drug classifications based on both chemical and pharmacological basis, synthesis of each drug, metabolism and mechanism of action, pharmacological characteristics along with their therapeutic applications, and summaries structure activity relationship (SAR) investigations.

This textbook has been written for undergraduate students pursuing degrees in pharmacy, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry and other related disciplines.

The matter of this book is designed to impart fundamental knowledge on the various diseases, classification of drug used in various diseases, chemical structures and their IUPAC names, Pharmaceutical uses of each compounds, mechanism of action of each classes of drugs, synthesis of compounds, SAR studies.

The efforts taken by the author to simplify the contents in concise form upon the following aspects of the chemical substances used as drugs and pharmaceuticals for various disease conditions. The entire text of the book is divided in to 17 chapters and each chapter has been subdivided in to various sections in the following manner:

  • Brief introduction
  • Description of disease profile
  • Classification based on both chemical and pharmacological basis in schematic way.
  • Description of structures of the entire chemical compound comes in various classes.
  • Mechanism of action of compounds by schematic representation.
  • Chemical structure of each compounds with their IUPAC names.
  • Description of metabolic profile of the drug.
  • Structure activity relationship (SAR) study of the drugs.
  • Pharmaceutical and medicinal uses of the compounds.


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